par admin | Août 20, 2020 | Форекс Обучение

Celgene и ABBV – самые быстрорастущие фармацевтические предприятия в мире.
UnitedHealth Group Inc. (UNH)
Это не обязательное условие, чтобы быть одной из лучших ценных бумаг в здравоохранении. Если весь рынок не удвоится в течение следующих трёх лет, получат яркого лидера в виде CELG, что делает её хорошим вариантом для покупки прямо сейчас. Это биотехнологическая компания, которая разрабатывает и продаёт лекарства для лечения рака. В октябре прошлого года у Celgene была большая просадка (-30%) из-за неудачных исследований.
Сеть частных медицинских центров «Екатерининская»

К счастью (для UnitedHealth), летом Джо Байден стал кандидатом от Демократической партии, а затем и избранным президентом США. Компании, связанные с регулируемым медицинским обслуживанием, при Байдене находятся в более благоприятной ситуации, поскольку он выступает против системы Medicare for All. За счёт этого UNH может стать одной из лучших акций сектора здравоохранения США 2021 года. Компания Stryker является лидером в области производства медицинского оборудования, присутствующего практически в каждой хорошо оснащенной больнице или клинике на Земле и ежегодно принимающей до 130 миллионов пациентов.
Медицинские технологии
Среди производителей медицинского оборудования интересны Medtronic, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Zimmer Biomet и Stryker, говорит Иван Авсейко из «Открытия Инвестиций». Также он выделяет производителя паттерны ларри вильямса недорогих лабораторных тестов Laboratory Corp of America. Еще одним перспективным вариантом могут быть бумаги поставщика облачных технологий для здравоохранения Veeva Systems, добавляет аналитик.
Они включены в первый котировальный список, в который попадают акции наиболее надежных эмитентов . Из-за этого все больше инвесторов обращает свои взоры в сторону сектора здравоохранения. Тот факт, что инвесторы переключились на сектор здравоохранения, говорит о том, что они пытаются сократить риски после девятилетнего непрерывного роста рынка акций. С точки зрения риска, инвестиции в акции сектора здравоохранения считаются защитными активами. Федеральная сеть клиник была создана «Ингосстрахом» в 2005 году для обслуживания клиентов, прикрепленных по программе добровольного медицинского страхования (ДМС). Сегодня три клиники сети работают в Москве и по одной — в Санкт-Петербурге, Казани, Уфе, Краснодаре, Сочи и Каменске-Уральском.

Оценка стоимости акций
- В октябре 2019 года сеть открыла первый частный роддом в Краснодарском крае, вложив в него 1,2 млрд рублей.
- Пять лет спустя компанию купила «Аптечная сеть 36,6», в 2008-м она продала ее за $110 млн бывшим владельцам компании по производству соков «Нидан» во главе с Игорем Шиловым.
- Несмотря на уменьшение количества хирургических процедур в начале года из-за COVID-19, отчёт Intuitive Surgical за третий квартал показывает, что бизнес возвращается к уровню, который был до пандемии.
- Компания конвертировала 174% чистой прибыли от операционной деятельности, и это значительно больше, чем было годом ранее, когда её коэффициент конверсии составил 116%.
- Многие хедж-фонды стали рассматривать подобные компании в качестве безопасных инвестиций, в особенности после того, как в сентябре началось падение акций технологического сектора.
В то же время пандемия коронавируса негативно отразилась на производителях высокотехнологичного медицинского оборудования и инструментов, продолжает аналитик. Это связано с тем, что во время пандемии многие пациенты и врачи переносили различные хирургические вмешательства и процедуры на более благоприятное время. При этом по мере отступления пандемии медтех будет восстанавливаться, и бумаги этих компаний будут интересны для инвестиций, говорит Саидова. Показатели акций Johnson & Johnson в 2020 году были довольно слабыми – рост всего на 3,4% в годовом исчислении, включая дивиденды. Однако в сравнении с аналогами из сферы производства лекарств компания выросла на 1,2% в относительном выражении.
В результате компания получила прибыль после уплаты налогов в размере 305 млн долларов. Купленное подразделение, которое будет переименовано в Cytiva в рамках Danaher, в то время имело годовой доход в размере 3,2 млрд долларов. Ниже перечислено тринадцать лучших компаний сектора здравоохранения, акции которых можно купить в 2021 году.
Помимо медицинских центров, сеть имеет собственную лабораторию мощностью до 2000 проб в сутки. В сеть входят 16 медцентров, четыре из них в формате «у дома» появились в спальных районах Москвы в конце 2021 года. Сеть многопрофильных клиник «Скандинавия» и клиник, занимающихся лечением бесплодия, «Скандинавия АВА-ПЕТЕР» работает в России с 1996 года. С 2018-го владельцем 100% сети является «Севергрупп» миллиардера Алексея Мордашова. В 1957 году, накануне Всемирного фестиваля молодежи и студентов в СССР, в Москве открылась поликлиника №6 по обслуживанию иностранцев.
С момента основания компании ее президентом была жена совладельца группы РЕСО Сергея Саркисова Русудан Махашвили (сегодня она является замгендиректора РЕСО по работе с лечебными учреждениями). По ее словам, после кризиса 2008 года страховщик вышел из проекта, и сеть была продана менеджменту компании. Глава компании Владислав Баранов объяснил бурный рост развитием производственной медицины в связи с пандемией. В разгар пандемии компания развернула в удаленных регионах страны два госпиталя для борьбы с коронавирусом, открыла медицинский центр на Амурском газоперерабатывающем заводе. В 23 клиниках сети в Москве, Подмосковье, Санкт-Петербурге и Рязани работают 2000 врачей разных специальностей. У холдинга есть свои лаборатории, позволяющие делать более 3500 анализов, терапевтический и хирургический стационары.
По логике инвесторов, люди не перестанут стареть и болеть, а в критической ситуации потребители не смогут экономить на медикаментах. Это значит, что у продукции фармацевтов и производителей медоборудования всегда будет спрос. Возросший интерес к бумагам сектора здравоохранения объясняется усилением роста всей индустрии медицины в целом, а также стабильным спросом на медицинскую продукцию среди стареющей части населения. С начала года рост американских компаний, работающих в сфере здравоохранения, уступил лишь двум секторам — технологическому и потребительским товарам вторичной необходимости.
par admin | Août 19, 2020 | Bookkeeping

While daily invoicing may not be possible, invoicing clients weekly will foster prompt payments and strengthen your cash flow. If your accounting software is connected to your bank and synced daily, there’s no need to wait for your monthly bank statement. Many accounting applications simplify reconciliation by suggesting matches, so all you have to do is review and approve them. As a business owner, your prime objective should be to tidy up the accounting tasks and make them more organized and efficient for future use.
What you’ll find in our Monthly General Accounting Checklist Template
To mitigate the risk of human error, companies can implement automated accounting software that can help reduce manual data entry and automate financial reporting. Financial statements and reports are critical for year-end accounting as they provide a clear picture of a company’s financial health. They allow stakeholders to make informed decisions about the company’s future and are used to evaluate the company’s performance over time. It is essential to ensure that the financial reports are accurate and complete to avoid any legal or financial issues. To ensure that year-end accounting is done correctly, it is important to understand the accounting cycle. This cycle consists of several steps, including recording transactions, adjusting entries, preparing financial statements, and closing the books.
Building Better Businesses
So if your checkbook, bank accounts, and general ledger don’t align, there’s an error somewhere that needs addressing. On the other hand, if everything lines up perfectly, you can breathe a sigh of relief (until the next month rolls around). The cash flow report, or cash flow statement, is focused on looking less at broad overviews of the business and trends, and more on activity within business operations. This process not only brings in industry tips on how to best ensure you receive the payment you’re due, but it allows you to keep your business going while waiting on those payments. This checklist will provide a streamlined method of creating invoices while saving time in the process.
Review Past-Due Receivables
You need to know that you have enough in your accounts to cover any checks that you plan to write. Use your accounting software platform to verify your balances and get a handle on your cash position each day. Accounting software like QuickBooks can help you generate financial reports and manage taxes, but for more guidance, see our guide to financial reporting. To keep a handy reference of this checklist, save our infographic below. Just as you reconcile your personal checking account, you need to know that your cash business transaction entries are accurate each month and that you are working with the correct cash position. Reconciling your cash makes it easier to discover and correct any errors or omissions—either by you or by the bank—in time to correct them.

Identify Key Metrics
At QuickBooks, our business accounting software is intuitive and easy to use, to ensure you can achieve these tasks with ease. From managing your taxes to generating financial reports, our business accounting software can make running your business easier than ever. Take a look at the accounting duties you will have to manage for your business below. Getting paid for services rendered is the lifeblood of every business.

During year-end accounting, QuickBooks can be especially helpful for tasks like reconciling accounts and preparing tax forms. QuickBooks also offers a year-end checklist to help guide you through the process. Our monthly general accounting checklist template was carefully created to help you and your firm accurately carry out monthly bookkeeping in a timely manner. Additionally, creating a year-end accounting checklist can help ensure that all necessary tasks are completed in a timely manner. Paint a picture of your clients’ financial health, cash position, and overall financial stability by pulling together accurate financial statements.
These statements include your cash flow statement, balance sheets, and profit and loss statement. Usually a lot of businesses prepares monthly financial statements, you can use an accounting system that generates these reports automatically. If you’ve established good daily accounting processes, it’ll be much simpler to complete the tasks on your weekly accounting checklist. If your daily workflows are sound and everyone follows them, you won’t have to worry that you lost track of any bills when you review your accounts payable.
The year-end close, although a recurring task, can pose significant challenges for accounting teams, adding to their already demanding workload and causing additional stress. The next section will explain why closing the financial year can become such a difficult task for accounting teams. Key performance metrics like the cash conversion cycle, working capital efficiency, and cost management efficiency offer a clear, objective assessment of your company’s performance. You’re going to want to pay special attention to these metrics as you close the books each month. In a larger company, you may want documentation of each of your month-end close processes, such as contractors and payroll split. For example, I set a timeline to have my month-end close completed 10 business days before the end of the month.
- If you have employees, then you’ll need to spend time once per week on payroll.
- If the company has investments, it’s important to review these as well.
- It can calculate sales tax, taking into account all the different rates you pay.
- This is determined by preparing accounting reports, including the profit and loss statement, cash flow statement and the balance sheet.
In some cases, we earn commissions when sales are made through our referrals. These financial relationships support our content but what is contributed surplus on a balance sheet do not dictate our recommendations. Our editorial team independently evaluates products based on thousands of hours of research.
Cyberattacks can result in the loss of financial data, unauthorized access to financial systems, and the manipulation of financial data. In addition, workflow should be streamlined to avoid unnecessary delays and errors. This can be achieved through the use of automation tools and software that can help automate repetitive tasks and reduce the risk of human error.
Without a due date, you will have more trouble forecasting monthly revenue. Read more about getting paid faster in our guide to getting invoices paid on time. The following accounting checklist lays out a recommended timeline for the accounting functions that will show the state of your business and streamline your tax preparation. Most invoices are due within 30 days, noted as “Net 30” at the bottom of your invoice. Read more about getting paid faster in our guide to getting invoices paid on time. There are a few business accounting basics you should understand to ensure your business operations run smoothly.
par admin | Août 18, 2020 | Sober living

Overall, the prognosis for alcoholism can be positive with early intervention, effective treatment, and ongoing support. It is important for individuals with alcoholism to seek help and work with healthcare professionals and loved ones to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets their unique needs and goals. review of answer house sober living However, medical professionals have not approved any of these medications to treat alcoholism in people less than 18 years of age. There are studies to indicate that medications that treat seizures, like gabapentin (Neurontin) and topiramate (Topamax), can help reduce drinking in individuals with alcoholism.
Life can be challenging: Build your own resilience plan

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. Group counseling is a key therapeutic techniquethat includes those with alcohol and drug use disorders who arefurther along in the recovery process; they pass on their knowledge,experience, and values to newer patients. Participants study each ofthe Twelve Steps and are referred to Alcoholics Anonymous andNarcotics Anonymous meetings as part of their therapy aftertreatment to prevent relapse (Winters and Schiks, 1989).
Teenage Alcohol Abuse
Men are most likely to be involved in this type of crash, with four male drunk drivers for every female drunk driver. The definition of addiction has changed over the years, where it used to be defined by dependence and withdrawal, physical symptoms of a substance. “It’s a totally different drug, which increases all kinds of problems for kids … social isolation, low motivation, various types of brain impairment as we refer to in addition to psychosis and to some degree suicidality. “The most important variable here is the THC levels, which is the active chemical in marijuana that makes people high. The THC levels in marijuana have increased dramatically over the years from something like 2% in the 1990s to well over 15%, 20% currently. So when kids are smoking marijuana today, it’s not like your parents’ marijuana back in the ‘70s and ‘60s.
Signs And Symptoms Of Teenage Drinking

Blood alcohol concentration can continue to rise even when you stop drinking or are unconscious. Alcohol in the stomach and intestine continues to enter the bloodstream and to circulate throughout your body. If you think your teen may not feel comfortable talking with you, perhaps guide them toward another trusted adult, such as an aunt, uncle, family friend, or community leader, with whom they have a good relationship. If you’re worried about your teen using alcohol, it may be tempting to take an extremely strict approach or overemphasize the risks of alcohol use.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Regardless of the cause of someone’s AUD, it’s important that they receive the treatment and support they need to feel better. We’ll be able to tell you if your insurance provider is in network with an American Addiction Centers treatment facility. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides the most reliable estimates of alcohol use by young people in the United States.
Alcohol overdose occurs when there is so much alcohol in the bloodstream that the areas of the brain controlling basic life-support systems—such as breathing, heart rate, and temperature control—begin to shut down. If you suspect someone is experiencing an alcohol overdose, get medical help immediately. Cold showers, hot coffee, food, or walking will NOT reverse the effects of alcohol overdose and could actually make things worse. Through regular conversations about alcohol and by parents being a positive role model with their own drinking, parents can shape kids’ attitudes about alcohol and set them up to make healthy choices.
Therefore, healthcare professionals recommend limiting access to alcohol or other drugs, addressing any risk factors of the youth or family, as well as optimal parental supervision and expression regarding expectations. Those problems can include needing more alcohol to get intoxicated (tolerance), difficulties that occur when the effects of alcohol wear off (withdrawal), using more alcohol or for a longer time than intended, and other life problems because of the use of alcohol. New research is helping scientists better understand how using marijuana as a teenager might trigger mental health issues. A 2023 Columbia University study found that 1 in 10 adolescents was using marijuana casually. That study also found that teens who use marijuana were more likely to develop psychiatric disorders, such as depression and suicidality than those who never used it. For many teenagers struggling with mental health, substance abuse can happen simultaneously.
- Age, sensitivity to alcohol (tolerance), gender, speed of drinking, medications being taken, and amount of food eaten recently can all be factors.
- Distinguishing between use and abuse among adolescents is often morechallenging than among adults.
- This « binge » drinking happens when someone drinks more than four (for women) or five (for men) alcoholic drinks in about two hours.
- This is of particular concern when you’re taking certain medications that also depress the brain’s function.
Just remember that most teens do not drink regularly, so you are not alone. Drinking alcohol, as with eating, is a social activity — most people drink with friends. Because alcohol makes people feel less inhibited, they feel more at ease socializing when they drink. For many people, it feels good to be doing what everybody else is doing.
Multisystemic therapy(MST) is a family-based, short-term interventionthat has licensed agencies in 27 states and 12 countries (Henggeler et al.,1996; Henggeler, Melton, Brondino, Scherer, and Henley,1997). These agencies annually treat more than 7,000 youth and theirfamilies. MST has been extensively researched, primarily by thecriminal justice alcoholic eyes system, and has been shown to reduce recidivism anddrug use. Talking with a professional at any stage of the process can help a parent make the right choice in alcohol abuse treatment type, should it be warranted. This means they need to drink alcohol in order to function normally, and their drinking causes problems in their lives.
For teens ages 15 to 17, less than 30% has drunk alcohol in the past month. If somebody says you need to drink because « everybody » is doing it, don’t believe it. Even though teenage drinking may seem common or even normal, it isn’t. Counseling for adolescents may use different techniques and often places much greater emphasis on family therapy.
Some research indicates that psychiatric medications like lithium (Lithobid), fluoxetine (Prozac), and sertraline (Zoloft) may be useful in decreasing alcohol use in teens who have another mental health disorder in addition to alcohol abuse. Ondansetron (Zofran) may reduce alcohol cravings in people whose problem drinking began before they were 25 years old. Research is needed to determine whether and the extent to whichtreatment programs originally developed for adults are appropriatewhen used with adolescents. Staff should be trained to understandadolescent development and respond appropriately to the challengesthat adolescents present.
Although professional training and credentials arevitally important, positive, caring staff attitudes are alsoimportant in connecting adolescent clients to the treatment process(Drug Strategies,2003). Five treatment settings exist for teens virtual meeting schedule (CSAT, 2000c).Generally speaking, treatment settings can be ordered based onintensity. A review of the literature reveals that there is littlespecific information about how these settings have been adjusted tomeet adolescents’ needs.
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